As was demonstrated in last month’s tragic fire at the Candle Lake Golf Resort, Emergency Services truly are vital to community health and well-being. Had our community not had its own experienced and capable fire service, this fire could have been far worse.
Led by our Fire Chief, Candle Lake Emergency Services continues to implement the recommendations identified in the Candle Lake 10 Year Emergency Services Master Plan.
To date, 75% of the 63 recommendations identified in the plan have been implemented or are underway. The improvements made have allowed our community’s fire protection score to increase to a Grade of 3B. This means our fire department is adequately manned, equipped and trained to provide a reasonable minimum response in a timely manner to typical fires in single family residences (detached dwellings) located within 8 kilometres by road of the fire station.
Enhancing firefighter safety
Firefighters are now equipped with new Self-Contained Breather Apparatus (SCBA) to meet today’s standards. Each firefighter now has turn-out gear that is in compliance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, a new SCBA drying system, as well as proper racks to store their gear. Each also has their own mask to reduce the transmission of colds and flu. Radios have been upgraded, providing improved communication and safety during emergency incidents, and new thermal imaging cameras will help firefighters find their way in a large house or wildland fire. Finally, Candle Lake first responders have created a rehabilitation procedure which firefighters can use at emergency and long-term training incidents.
Improving response capability
This past year, the RVCL outfitted an existing half-ton vehicle with an Ultra High Pressure (UHP) fire suppression system that can quickly be on scene to respond to a fire. The UHP system in this vehicle has already been used to extinguish one wildland fire that had the potential to become out of control, along with several other fires within Candle Lake.
A multi-purpose trailer was purchased to store values protection materials (pumps, firehoses, sprinklers, etc.) that can be set up in preparation for a wildland fire advancing and enable firefighting to begin until additional assistance arrives. In winter, the trailer will be used to tow our snow ambulance to trail heads.
With the purchase of 900 feet of new fire hose, our Fire Engine is now equipped with hose to allow for four attack lines off the Engine instead of one, and both tankers also now have one attack line, where previously there was none. Along with this new fire hose, a hose washer and a hose drying and storage system is making the task of washing, drying and storing the hose more efficient and ready more quickly if needed.
A monitor for fire suppression (called a deck-gun) which allows massive amounts of water (1,200 gallons a minute) for fire suppression, and a throw-able fire suppression devices (hand-held units) will aid firefighters in quickly attacking a large fire.
All vehicles are equipped with emergency lights, and annual testing shows our Fire Engine is in compliance with National Fire Protection Association standards, as is our extrication equipment.
Other new equipment includes extrication tools added on two apparatus, and two gas detectors and a calibration station. These are used to detect gas at calls where carbon monoxide or explosive gasses may be present.
Ongoing training to ensure emergency preparedness
Over the past number of months, the following training was provided by the Fire Chief:
- International Fire Service Training Association Essentials Level One Fire Fighter Training
- Incident Command System Training Level 100 and 200 and Emergency Operations Centre was provided to the RVCL Emergency Response Group
- Vehicle Extrication Update Training
Training was also provided in the areas of:
Wild land fire fighting techniques (online training)
- Setting up values protection equipment
- Fire Smart training by the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (two people are now qualified at Level 3)
- Fire dynamics
- Dangerous good awareness
- Transitional fire attack
- Ongoing training in the use of the UHP fire suppression system and SCBA
Advocating for continued enhanced service
One of the long-term recommendations of the Emergency Services Master Plan was to enhance service to a larger geographical area. The Fire Department has made an application to acquire land in the Telwin neighbourhood for a satellite station that would provide the same level of fire protection for those who live beyond 8 kilometers of the current fire station, as well as in the northern part of Candle Lake.
The Resort Village thanks all of the personnel who are working to hard to strengthen our Emergency Services, and our Fire Chief for providing leadership and structure to our services.
Would you like to be involved in this progressive and exciting work?
The Candle Lake Fire Department is always looking for Firefighters and Medical First Responders to help provide fire suppression services and emergency medical care to people living in or visiting the Candle Lake area. In addition to helping others in emergency situations, this work provides a chance to meet people in our community, stay in shape, learn new skills, and more! All training is provided through the Department.
Learn more here: Emergency Services or contact Jim Arnold, Fire Chief/Emergency Services Manager at or call the Resort Village Office at 306-929-2236.