Doing Business in the Resort Village of Candle Lake?
A Business License is required for businesses and trades operating within Candle Lake, even if the primary location for the business is not in the Resort Village. Business license are regulated through the Business License Bylaw.
The fee to purchase a license depending on the type of business you are operating.
- Annual Fee (Resident) - $75.00
- Annual Fee (Non-Resident) - $150.00
- Single Project Fee - $50.00
- Seasonal Resident Fee ($50.00)
- Seasonal Non-Resident Fee ($100.00)
- Single Day Fee ($20.00)
Business License Application Online
Residential Based-Businesses
Home based businesses, home occupations (e.g. consulting, bookkeeping), and bed and breakfast facilities are discretionary uses in some residential neighbourhoods. To qualify for a business license you must first apply for a 'discretionary use' through the Development Permit Application form.
Then you will submit a Discretionary Use Application.
Discretionary use applications must be reviewed and approved by Resort Village Council. There is also a requirement to issue a public notice to property owners within 75 meters of the property where the business will operate. This process may take several weeks.
For more information on Business Licenses, please call (306) 929-2236 or email